Slitty Slip Peel
Banana Iteration #2
Banana Iteration #23
Will You Hold Me? Banana Iteration #27
Banana Iteration #30 with Dad
Slitty Slip Peel
Slitty Slip Peel

The first iteration of the banana performances, performed in June of 2015 at the Labbodies Performance Art Festival in Baltimore, MD. Venue: Gallery CA

photo credit: Stew Mostofsky

Banana Iteration #2
Banana Iteration #2

Banana Iteration #2 is a multimedia performance that incorporates projected video and live silent monologue performance, engaging the audience in a conversation with a knife.

Performance Matters, Tisch School for the Arts


Photo credit: Carol Cabrera

Banana Iteration #23
Banana Iteration #23

Banana Iteration #23: A public performance, performed with Bex Kwan, in which Bex and Sophia took a full 30 minutes to walk towards one another to get to the end of one Manhattan street block, while eating a banana.


New York, New York


photo credit: Marlene Ramirez-Cancio

Will You Hold Me? Banana Iteration #27
Will You Hold Me? Banana Iteration #27

Will you Hold Me? Banana Iteration #27: A performance in which Sophia tries to walk over a gauntlet of the white banana fruit, eyes closed, wobbly legged, as audience is challenged to catch Sophia's falling body. 

Panoply Performance Lab: Performancy Forum

Brooklyn, New York



Banana Iteration #30 with Dad
Banana Iteration #30 with Dad

A performance ritual in a garden with voice recording of Sophia’s dad’s birth story.

Archive 3, Curated by Karl Cooney

Le Petit Versaille Community Garden, NY, NY

September 2017

photo credit: Bex Kwan